Dominik's KWA TK45C
29 June 2022
I had played with the small 'smg' for about 5 months prior to think about upgrading it and while I wasn't overly blown away with its stock performance, the lame motor working overtime to churn out the semi auto abuse I was giving it and mediocre accuracy as a distance I knew wanted more from the set up than it was currently offering, and I knew just the man to do it!
Having had rifles previously upgraded by other tech well know tech he knew the pressure was on to deliver a rifle that needed to go beyond my expectation of what I had set out, plus I'm fussy, no not a little....a lot.. I wanted a higher rate of fire, better accuracy at range and a sensitive trigger system that could keep up with my inching finger (I'm not kind to my pews when I play) So once he had done the quote and identified what would be replaced and what parts would now go in it was only a matter of time before I got the little beasty back in my eager hands!
So, first impressions of getting the tk45c back after just a short period time away? I wish someone had taken a photo of my face the second I pulled the trigger; I was blown away! He had paired a warhead standard speed motor with a Gate titan advanced, some great shimming and a new Maxx trigger to create something unique. The stock barrel, rubber, piston, and piston head had all gone too at my request, I wanted more durable and well-known parts in it. Alas it was time to stop inspecting the handy work and was time to take it to the field and put it thought its paces. My local site was the perfect place to take it out and give it a run for its money, having set the tiger to binary I was going to see who would win first, my trigger finer or this monster build. Being a mix of woodland and 'buildings' it was the ideal place to test the range and response of close-up encounters with other players and boy this did not disappoint! Having that instant response give you that advantage over stock riles with your cycling time being quicker and nipping in and out of cover like a mad man taking shots where I can. Fair to say I went though 6 mags in no time having spammed that trigger something rotten.
So, what's next? Full auto time baby! This thing splits out bbs at the low 30rps but this was what I wanted, nothing Ott just borderline spicy. And how far where they going? Stock I was seeing around a 50m range with a .28, not consistent but it would get in the general direction (well most the time) But now? Now I point I pull the trigger and a stream goes just shy of 62m+ consistently and being able to hit a 'man' sized target reliably, perfect just wanted I wanted. This build was never intended for maximum range but for response and reliability on the field and that's what I got, just that.
7 Months on and this is still my go to setup, I never leave it behind on a game day. Its my go to reliable workhorse that looks unique, feels great to shoot and isn't your generic *insert x rifle* you see on the field (not that there's anything wrong with generic pews, everyone has their own taste, and this is mine). My round count is currently 70,000+ according to the titan and the tk45c has never missed a beat, locked up or let me down.